A blog dealing with Sarasota County and the City of Sarasota.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Lead on the Pinelands Reserve: Violation of a Public Promise

On Thursday the 22nd, the Planning Commission considered Rezone Petition 14-34 and, despite testimony arguing against from Bill Lewis, Wade Matthews, Jim Hunter, and myself, they voted 7-1 to move the rezone forward. Special note should be made of contributions from Maynard Hiss and Sherm Stratton.

Commissioner Bob Burrus asked some relevant questions and ultimately voted against (Chair Bob Morris also asked about downrange potential safety problem with bullets from the existing range possibly affecting the proposed sporting clays course, but apparently his concerns were addressed).

I was surprised to learn the county is the applicant, since one can't really determine that from the application.

The county's whole argument about why the Comp Plan, Land Management Master Plan, and Pinelands Reserve Master Plan don't apply is that the Pinelands Reserve does not appear on a list of existing county-owned parks and preserves. No one bothered to ask why it doesn't, when the list was made, who made it, at who's direction. The relevant question is why it is not on the list!

If you know an investigative reporter or just a persistent citizen who would like to get to the bottom of this, please contact me.

To review the county packet, click here.

I believe the County Commission will take this up February 10th at 9:00 am in Venice. Materials for the board packet need to be a week ahead of time.